Integrating with Backend Framework

If you are building a purely-static app (one that is deployed separately from the backend API), then you probably don't even need to edit config/index.js. However, if you want to integrate this template with an existing backend framework, e.g. Rails/Django/Laravel, which comes with their own project structures, you can edit config.production.js or config.development.js to directly generate front-end assets into your backend project.

Inside the config.production.js section, we have the following options:


Must be an absolute path on your local file system.

This is where the index.html (with injected asset URLs) will be generated.

If you are using this template with a backend-framework, you can edit index.html accordingly and point this path to a view file rendered by your backend app, e.g. app/views/layouts/application.html.erb for a Rails app, or resources/views/index.blade.php for a Laravel app.


Must be an absolute path on your local file system.

This should point to the root directory that contains all the static assets for your app. For example, public/ for both Rails/Laravel.


Nest webpack-generated assets under this directory in build.assetsRoot, so that they are not mixed with other files you may have in build.assetsRoot. For example, if build.assetsRoot is /path/to/dist, and build.assetsSubDirectory is static, then all Webpack assets will be generated in path/to/dist/static.

This directory will be cleaned before each build, so it should only contain assets generated by the build.

Files inside static/ will be copied into this directory as-is during build. This means if you change this prefix, all your absolute URLs referencing files in static/ will also need to be changed. See Handling Static Assets for more details.


This should be the URL path where your build.assetsRoot will be served from over HTTP. In most cases, this will be root (/). Only change this if your backend framework serves static assets with a path prefix. Internally, this is passed to Webpack as output.publicPath.

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