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Have you built a car that can drive by itself? Or a warrior Droid? Can you crack puzzles and codes like clockwork? Or Hack into any System? Or Code for an App?
Do You Make people Swoon with your oration? Or you are looking for serious competition in Counter-Strike or NFS?
NOT THAT TECH-SAVVY ARE YOU? More on a creative side like Photography, Film Making, Debates, Acting, or Film Reviewing??
then you should try


* 10th, 11th and 12th March 2013!!!
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Avenir is the Annual Techno-Management Fest organized by Netaji Subhash Engineering College, Kolkata.
Comprising of three pulsating days of hopping across non-stop events from
RoboWarZ to Encoding, from NFS to Sudoku and even rounds of quickfire chess..

So visualize your big thoughts

and tiny ideas

by working on your Grey Cells and Skills, Painting them on an infinite canvas of Science and Technology..

the only limit is your imagination

one more thing...

As a Bonus you can Walk away with Cash Prizes worth 4 Lakhs *...

* Spread The Word, ASAP...:)

want to know more?

Go ahead and check out our cool Website, Click Here

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